Senin, 11 April 2011

Coba Memaknai Sakit

Waktu slalu terasa sangat berharga waktu ngerasa kangen ma papa..
Ga pernah minta banyak waktu, 1 menit aja.. Cuma 1 menit..
Tapi rasanya gw terlalu egois kalo minta itu. Beliau udah tenang disana. Dan mama ga harus sedih liat gw sedih..
Seseorang pernah bilang gini : “mungkin kamu belum bisa ngasih apa-apa, tapi jalanin idup dengan normal aja udah sangat membantu”

Hampir 2 tahun.. dan masih tetep ngerasa masih ada ruang kosong di hati ini! Walau banyak yang gw dapet dari semua itu. Gw tau rasanya terpuruk dan rasanya bangkit.. itu udah sangat luar biasa..
Allah terlalu sayang ma gw, Allah mau ngasih tau kalo gw kuat, karna slama ini gw ga nyadarin hal itu..
Banyak yang gw pelajarin hampir 2 tahun ini, yang ga akan bisa gw dapet kalo Allah ga ambil papa.. yaa selalu ada hikmah..
Walau gw ngerasa papa pergi terlalu cepat, tapi ternyata 19 tahun itu lama.. masih sangat lama dibanding sepupu atau orang2 laen yang ditinggal papanya waktu mereka masih kecil.. meraka ga bisa ngerasain yang gw rasain.. mereka ga bisa ngerasain 13 tahun dianterin papanya sekolah (dari SD sampe kuliah), bisa mengenal lebih jauh papanya atau hal-hal laen yang selalu gw lakuin ma papa.. Yaa selalu ngerasa bahagia kalo inget semua itu.. Yang gw inget dari jaman gw kecil kalo ditanya siapa orang hebat menurut gw, gw slalu jawab papa.. haha.. papa emang bukan superman atau ilmuwan.. tapi beliau hebat buat gw.. nyaris sempurna sebagai seorang lelaki.. dari gw kecil beliau seneng ngajak gw debat, ngomongin apapun, masalah keluarga sampe politik.. kalo ditanya siapa orang yang paling nyambung ma gw? Yaa beliau.. Tapii gw.. gw ngerasa masih jauh dari sempurna buat jadi anaknya.. Dulu gw sering boong cuma buat lebih lama maen ma temen, sodara atau pacar gw.. gw suka ngambek kalo beliau telat jemput sampe gw harus nunggu di pinggir jalan sendirian.. Sekarang waktu yang dulu gw buang2 gitu aja jadi sangat berharga.. kalo gw tau waktu gw ma beliau cuma 19 tahun.. gw ga mau boong cuma buat lebih lama maen, gw juga rela berhari-hari dipinggir jalan cuma buat nungguin beliau.. Hebatnya, beliau slalu bisa liat gw dari sisi positif gw.. buat beliau smua yang gw lakuin slama ini adalah yang terbaik.. Bahagia banget kalo inget beliau pernah bilang bangga punya gw..
2 februari ini, masih sama ky 2 februari taun lalu.. ga ada kue, ga ada lilin.. Cuma ada doa, buat papa..
Dan 17 juni nanti, tepat di hari ulang tahun mama, gw pasti ada di tempat papa.. lagi-lagi ngerasa egois harus ngenang perginya papa tepat pas mama ulang taun.. yaa bukan kado yang bagus..
Kadang mama terlalu tangguh buat ngeluh.. gw masih inget gimana sedihnya mama waktu mandiin suaminya, liat suaminya buat yang terakhir kali tepat di hari ulang tahunnya.. Mungkin papa terlalu sayang ma mama, sampe beliau mau ada pas ulang tahun mama.. walau cuma badannya..
2 tahun terakhir ini gw kenal mama lebih jauh.. Cuma satu yang bisa gw bilang, wanita kuat! Andai masih bisa berandai-andai banyak banget yang mau gw perbaikin..
Haha.. kadang suka ngetawain diri sendiri, ngerasa punya khayalan yang tinggi.. waktu ga akan pernah balik lagi.. dan semua orang pasti mati..
Lagi-lagi kuncinya ikhlas dan bersyukur.. satu lg yang paling penting, yakin ma Allah!

Hai daddy, liat aku sekarang.. aku masih bisa berdiri di atas kedua kaki aku.. aku masih bisa senyum waktu hati aku sakit.. aku bisa berdiri tiap aku jatuh.. dan aku bahagia!
Aku bahagia selama 19 tahun, yang slalu aku kangenin, aku dapet banyak hal dari papa.. papa ajarin aku ngenal huruf, angka, ngitung, papa ga pernah nyuruh aku blajar tapi papa slalu ngajarin aku.. dan papa bikin aku jadi ky sekarang.. aku bahagia punya mama, kakak, evan.. dan aku mau bahagiain mereka.. aku bahagia punya yogi, yang disayang mama, karena menurut mama dia bisa bawa aku ke arah positif, dia bisa gantiin papa yang sekarang udah ada di samping Allah.. aku bahagia punya smua temen-temen aku.. dan aku bahagia dengan smua yang aku punya sekarang, kelebihan dan kerurangan aku juga..
Aku bahagia pah, aku pasti bisa lewatin smuanya, papa bisa tenang disana.. J
Papa pasti tau semua doa aku, rasa sayang aku, permintaan maaf dari aku, juga maaf dari aku..
Aku sayang papa dan aku juga sayang idup aku.. Aku bahagia, papa bahagia.. yaa rumus yang simple..

Hahhhh.. ga akan bisa nulis smua ini, ga akan bisa ky gini kalo gw ga pernah ngerasain jatuh, patah, terpuruk.. kalo kata iklan, ga kotor, ga blajar! Kalo ga pernah sakit, ga akan bisa belajar, ga akan ngerti bersyukur, ga akan ngerasain senengnya ngelewatin rasa sakit itu, ga akan pernah tau kalo gw sekuat itu..
Kadang tertutup emang ga enak, tapi biarin orang laen sedih karna gw sedih juga ga enak..
Gw mau bahagia!!! Bukan cuma buat gw sendiri.. tapi buat orang-orang di sekitar gw..
Gw ga akan pernah tau rencana apa yang udah Allah bikin buat gw kalo gw ga brani ngelangkah, kalo gw tetep ada di satu tempat.. gw harus bergerak.. bukan cuma badan tapi pikiran dan jiwa gw juga..

Ya ya ya, intinya smua slalu ada hikmahnya.. rasa sakit itu ga mungkin sia-sia.. karna ga ada yang sia-sia di dunia ini..

Jumat, 08 April 2011

Healthy Diet

Every woman in this world, certainly want a beautiful body shape, and fascinating. But to form the perfect body, not easy must know very well healthy diet tips. The first principle of a healthy diet is simply to eat a wide variety of foods. This is important because different foods make different nutritional contributions. Healthy diet tips that should be known is as follows:
1.      Breakfast
Do not forget to eat breakfast, because if you do not eat breakfast, then you will become hungry and will eat anything that you can the next time.
2.      Enjoy your food
Give your digestion the opportunity to work for you. Eating in hurry, means you are not chewing your food well.
3.      drink at least 8 glasses of water daily
This is a good habit to help flush the system of toxins.
4.      Eat a variety of foods
Do not try to fill your nutrient requirements by eating the same foods everyday. Eating a wide assortment of foods helps to ensure that you will get all the necessary nutrients.
5.      Eat plenty of high-fiber foods
Fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains. That foods also provide important vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals (plant chemicals essential to good health).

6.      Limit your intake of sugary foods and animal fat
It is rich in saturated fat, which boosts blood cholesterol levels and has other adverse health effects.
7.      Maintain an adequate calcium intake
Calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth. Get your calcium from low-fat sources, such as skim milk and low-fat yogurt.
8.      Try and take some daily exercise to burn calories
Going to a gym or are too busy, walk whenever you can.
9.      Get plenty of rest.
If you can not sleep well at night, try to nap the next day.

Effective Learning

I think nobody is stupid, maybe people do not know how to learn effectively. There are now many different learning methods. Make learning to a fun thing. This is some tips for learning to be affective :

1.      Pay Attention in The Class.
This is the most important thing. Because by pay full attention  to the lesson in the class, when we want to repeat the lesson we can remember something which learned at the class.

2.      Review The Lesson
A successful learner always reviews. Go back and look over the topic. Spend one hour to review your lesson. Never  review the lesson make you will be quickly forget the lesson who you learned at the class.

3.      Find Your Style
Find your learning style that suits you best. By learning in more than one way, you are further cementing the knowledge in your mind. For example try to hear the music when you learning, describing what you learned to a friend, taking notes or drawing a mind map.

4.      Make Group Study
Sometime, learning itself is a boring thing, find someone who does not understand the lesson and teach it to them or learn together.

5.      Make Your Self Comfortable
Make yourself comfortable as possible to get the best concentration.

6.      Have Enough Sleep
Set aside specific times for study each day. The best learning time is when you have good condition body. Do not force to learn until night, because it make your concentration lost.

Minggu, 27 Maret 2011

Tugas Bahasa Inggris 2 Exercise 14 - Toefl Review Exercise (Skills 1-18)

EXERCISE 14 Page 192

 I   1. The pastries in that shop are very expensive but quite deliciously.
 C  2. You can find some change to buy a paper in the drawer, on top of the dresser, or in
           the jar.
 C  3. The living room was decorated with expensive paintings and elegance lamps.
 I   4. He knew that the financial problems were serious, that the situation was not going
          to improve, and that he needed to get a job.
 C  5. All day long during the trip to the mountains, they were skiing, sledding, or played
          in the snow.
 C  6. The car needs new tires but not a new engine.
 I   7. He stops working when he gets too tired to continue or when he has finished.
 C  8. To get to office, you should go through this door, turn to the left, and continuation
          down the hall.
 C  9. For dessert we could serve lemon pie, fruit tarts, chocolate cake, or butter cookies.
 I   10. The sick needs some medicine, some juice and to rest.

EXERCISE 15 Page 194
 I   1. He either lied or telling an unbelieveable story.
 C  2. The music at the concert was neither well played nor well liked.
 I   3. He regularly studies both in the morning or in the evening.
 I   4. The play that we saw last night was not only rather delightful but also quite
 C  5. He married her neither for her ability to cook nor her ability to clean house.
 C  6. The discussion was both exciting and interest.
 C  7. He withdrew all the money not only from the checking account but also from the
          savings account.
 I   8. Neither the teacher or the students are ready to leave the classroom.
 I   9. You can meet with me either in the next few minutes or at 04:00.
 I   10. Jhon is an adventurous person who enjoys not only skydiving but also goes

EXERCISE (Skills 14-15) Page 194
 C  1. The advertisemenst appeared in the newspaper and on the radio.
 C  2. She is trained as both an accountant and in nursing.
 I   3. We can take either my car or yours to the party.
 C  4. The coffee is too hot, too bitter and too strength.
 I   5. He not only passed the test but also receiving the highest score in the class.
 I   6. Your ideas are neither more important or less important than the ideas of the others.
 I   7. The meeting lasted only an hour but still seeming too long.
 C  8. The novel was both emotional and description.
 C  9. Either the counselor or her secretary can help you with that problem.
 C  10. The leaves from the tree fell in the yard, in the pool, in the driveway, and on the

TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 14-15) Page 195
 C  1. Ballpoint pens are less versatile but more population than fountain pens.
                             A                         B                  C                                 D
 D  2. Riddles vary greatly in booth grammatical and phonology form.
                   A       B                                                       C          D
 D  3. Blood pressure is measured by feeling the pulse and apply a force to the arm.
                                       A                                                B             C              D
 D  4. The Moon has no atmosphere, no air and no watery.
                      A                            B        C           D
 B  5. The first matches were too hard to ignite, a mess, or too dangerously easy to ignite.
                       A        B                                     C                           D
 B  6. A 1971 U.S government policy not only put warnings on cigarette packs but also
                                A                                                                               B
    banning television advertising of cigarettes.
       C                               D
 B  7. Demand, beauty, durability, rare and perfection of cutting determine the value of
         A                                        B                                                  C                D
 D  8. The Harvard Yard, which was Harvad’s original campus, is still a major attraction                                     
                                             A                                 B                                     C
     for both students and visiting.
 C  9. In 1862, the American Confederacy raised the Merrimack, renamed it Virginia
    A                                                            B
    covered it with iron plates and an outfit it with ten guns.
                                         C               D
 C  10. The liquid crystals in a display (LCD) affect the polarized light so that it is either
                                               A                      B              C
       blocked and reflected by the segments of the display.

TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-15) Page 196
1. Most cells in multicelled organisms perform D. Specialization functions.
2. The big island of Hawaii, in the middle of the pacific ocean B. it was created  by   five
3. The sun uses up over four million tons of hydrogen per second C. but is still has
     enough hydrogen to last for the next five billion years.
4. For Katherine L. Bates . who  A. reached  the top of pikes peak in 1893. The  view
    provided the inspiration for her hymn “ America the beautiful “.
 C  5. Coal , petroleum and natural gaseous are all fossil fuels.
                                      A                     B            C             D
 A  6. The mass of neutron stars generally range from one-tenth to twice the mass of the  
                                    A                                B                                     C             D
 D  7. Grasses grow in ways that help them to to survive being nibbled , chilly, or dried.
                         A          B                                         C                                  D
 B  8. Most of hemingway’s novels glorifies heroic exploits such as bullfighting or
                                                               A                      B                           C
 D  9. Paleographers study ancient and medieval handwriting in order to establish not
                                    A                              B                                                   C
          only its age and also its background.
 D  10.  The sound produced by bullfrogs and toads vary greatly because each species
                                       A                                            B
              have its own particular call.
                 C                                 D

EXERCISE 16 Page 197
 I   1. We have already hearing the good news .
 C  2. She has ridden her bicycle to school everyday .
 I   3. I have always belive you.
 I   4. He has find the missing car keys.
 C  5. They have put their money in a saving account.
 C  6. Their parents have allowed them to stay up late.
 C  7. She has never ran away from home before.
 I   8. Have you ever saw a ghost ?
C  9. They have taken three testa already this week.
 I  10. He has offer me a high-playing job.

EXERCISE 17 Page 198
 I   1. She was study the textbooks all night long.
 C  2. The pie was cut into six equal pieces.
 I   3. Today the teacher is allow the students to leave class a few minutes early.
 I   4. The class is teach every other semester.
 C  5. Tom is bringing some drinks to the party.
 C  6. The sick child was taken to see a doctor.
 I   7. The children are swim in the backyard pool.
 I   8. The diamond jewelry is always keep in safe place.
 C  9.  The teacher is preparing a difficult exam for the students.
I   10. Dinner is served from 6:00 to 8: 00 .

EXERCISE 18 Page 199
 C  1.  You should try to respond politely.
 I   2.  Everyone must leaves the room immediately.
 I   3.  I could sat on the beach for hours.
 I   4.  She will asking you many difficult questions.
 C  5.  You can look at the book , but you cannot borrow it.
 I   6.  He may lies to you because he is not very truthful.
 I   7.  He knew that he would forgot the phone number.
 I   8.  The weatherman said that it might snowing tonight.
 I   9.   Perhaps we could bought a new car this year.
 C 10. This course will satisfy the graduation requirement.

EXERCISE (Skils 16-18 ) Page 200
 C  1. We have became good friends in the last year.
 C  2. Your name will be list in the new directory.
 I   3. The new movie is receive good reviews.
 I   4. She must have feel sorry about her bad behavior.
 C  5. They have always given their family many present.
 C  6. We may be taking a vacation next week.
 C  7. We could have taking a vacation last week.
 I   8. The package might had been deliver by an express mail service.
 I   9. I have not wrote very many letters to my friends.
 C  10. The car should not have be drive anymore yesterday.
TOEFL EXERCISE ( Skills 16 – 18) Page 200
 B  1. By the 1920, many radio transmitters had been build
                                  A                      B           C              D
 C  2. Fish farming has rose in the united states in recent years.
           A         B              C                                          D
 C  3. In areas of volcanic activity,beach sand may contains dark minerals and little
                 A                                                B                C                                        D

 A  4. Cro-magnon man was names after the caves in southwest france where the first
                                                  A                      B
           remains were discovered.
                 C                    D
 C  5. Lassies the famous collie who made her first screen appearance in 1943 , has
                                                              A                       B
          always be played by a male dog.
                       C       D
 B  6.  A blue bigwig lizard stakes out a territory and will defending females within it
                                                 A                 B                          C
          against courting males.
 A  7. President George Washington was inaugurates on the steps of the federal building
                                                                       A                         B        C                     D
          in newyork city.
 C  8. By 1627 plymouth had became a viable and growing community of fifty families
            A                                      B                              C
          twenty – two goats , fifteen cows and more than fifty pigs.
 D  9. Tobacco was the crop on which the eminence of Williamsburg and the prosperity
                          A                                             B                                                       C
          of Virginia were base.
 D  10. Because there may be scores of genes in each suspect DNA region scientists must
           identifying and sequence the actual genes contributing to type I diabetes.
                    B                    C                                        D

TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-18) Page 201

1. D. the pacific ocean has the deepest valleys and canyons on the earth.
2. In the united states the participation of females in the labor force D. jumped from 37 percent in 1965 to 51 percent in 1980.
3.Some composers such as Richard wagner have felt that B. interrupt arias the action of the opera too much and have written operas without them.
 C  4. Water stored behind a dam can used to drive turbines .
                        A                      B            C           D
 D  5. Our universe may continue to expand as it gets colder , empty and deader.
                                             A              B                  C                  D
 B  6. Every form of matter in the world are made up of atoms.
                        A                                       B       C              D
 B  7. The lens and corner are supply with nutrients and oxygen by the aqueous fluid.
                   A                                B                  C                                          D
 D  8. Dodge city laid out in 1872 owed both its prosperity and its famous to the buffalo
                                                           A                                                   B
           in its early years.
                C              D
 B  9. The amount of the two kinds of cholesterol in the blood have been shown to have  
                                               A                                                       B             C
           an effect on the risk of heart attack.
 C  10. By the time noah Webster Reached his mid-twenties he had already publish an
                                                            A         B                                                   C
           elementary speller.